What is your biggest dream for your life?

In this blog post (read here), I talk about how we often do not dream big enough, and thus limit our lives. Your dreams set the direction for your life, and if you do not dream big enough, you limit who you can become. For example, if your biggest dream is something like“I want a big house, or a fancy car,” then that would be the high point of your life. Is that all you can be? I think, you can do better: Become inspired by the lives of truly great people, and what they dreamt. How could you do similar—in your personal context, maybe your family, your neighborhood, or whatever level you choose? What can you bring to this world, what is the gift you will leave behind for those who come after you? This does not mean that you have to go out tomorrow anf be done with this; no, this is your life-dream, the highest aspiration you can set for your life! Dream big! So I want to ask you: What is the biggest dream for your life? If you could accomplish anything, what would it be? After that, ask yourself: what is stopping you from reaching this dream? And how could you make this dream come true? What is missing in your life to get it done? And then go do it. (Also see exercises 5.13, 5.14, 5.15 in “The Steps of Essence.”)

Namaste — I and the Divine in me bow to You and the Divine in You.